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Red State Meme War ⋆ Page 5 of 13 ⋆ Taking America back one meme at a time.

It’s Caturday! Cat Humor To Start Your Weekend

  1. I hate that part of the morning where I have to get out of bed.

If I just keep looking cute… they’ll surely blame the dog.


Why don’t you have a seat… and explain where my teaticles went.


When you ask her what’s wrong, and she says “nothing,” but then she spends the rest of the day looking at you like…

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The Stupidity Of Socialism… In Memes (4 Memes)

Hard times create Capitalists. Capitalists create good times  Good times create Socialists. Socialists create hard times.


When you’re a Woke Socialist, but then you start paying income taxes…


The USA is the only country without {insert Socialist program here}.

Founding Fathers: Yah, that’s sort of the whole point!

I crossed 90 miles of shark infested, hurricane ridden ocean at night, on a raft I made out of water bottles to escape… Free Market Capitalism… said no one, ever!

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Did Somebody Say ‘Murica! 4th Of July In Memes (10 Memes)

Did somebody say… ‘Murica!


Happy 4th of July!


Metric System? Whose flag is on the moon?

There are only two types of countries in the world. Those who use the metric system and those who’ve planted flags on the moon.


Let’s take a break from complaining about America to celebrate America!


I’m so patriotic, I pee red, white and blue. My doctor said it may be a bladder infection. I told him to shut his Commie mouth.


Trump rescues America


Hungover from Forth of July celebrations? False. There is no such thing as too much freedom.


‘Merican diplomacy. Served with an extra side of freedom.



Happy 4th of July!

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